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4.5 Règle de base pour placer les fenêtres

Macro: define-frame-preference TARGET-GROUP &REST FRAME-RULES

Create a rule that matches windows and automatically places them in a specified group and frame. Each frame rule is a lambda list:

(frame-number raise lock &key class instance type role title)

The frame number to send matching windows to


When non-nil, raise and focus the window in its frame


When this is nil, this rule will only match when the current group matches target-group. When non-nil, this rule matches regardless of the group and the window is sent to target-group. If lock and raise are both non-nil, then stumpwm will jump to the specified group and focus the matched window.


The window's class must match class.


The window's instance/resource name must match instance.


The window's type must match type.


The window's role must match role.


The window's title must match title.

Function: clear-window-placement-rules

Clear all window placement rules.

Command: remember LOCK TITLE

Make a generic placement rule for the current window. Might be too specific/not specific enough!

Command: forget

Forget the window placement rule that matches the current window.

Command: dump-window-placement-rules FILE

Dump *window-placement-rules* to FILE.

Command: restore-window-placement-rules FILE

Restore *window-placement-rules* from FILE.

Ce document a été généré par Eric Reinbold le 9 Octobre 2008 en utilisant texi2html 1.78.