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28.16 Coordinates and Windows

This section describes how to relate screen coordinates to windows.

Function: window-at x y &optional frame

This function returns the window containing the specified cursor position in the frame frame. The coordinates x and y are measured in characters and count from the top left corner of the frame. If they are out of range, window-at returns nil.

If you omit frame, the selected frame is used.

Function: coordinates-in-window-p coordinates window

This function checks whether a particular frame position falls within the window window.

The argument coordinates is a cons cell of the form (x . y). The coordinates x and y are measured in characters, and count from the top left corner of the screen or frame.

The value returned by coordinates-in-window-p is non-nil if the coordinates are inside window. The value also indicates what part of the window the position is in, as follows:

(relx . rely)

The coordinates are inside window. The numbers relx and rely are the equivalent window-relative coordinates for the specified position, counting from 0 at the top left corner of the window.


The coordinates are in the mode line of window.


The coordinates are in the header line of window.


The coordinates are in the vertical line between window and its neighbor to the right. This value occurs only if the window doesn't have a scroll bar; positions in a scroll bar are considered outside the window for these purposes.


The coordinates are in the left or right fringe of the window.


The coordinates are in the left or right margin of the window.


The coordinates are not in any part of window.

The function coordinates-in-window-p does not require a frame as argument because it always uses the frame that window is on.

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Ce document a été généré par Eric Reinbold le 13 Octobre 2007 en utilisant texi2html 1.78.