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33.10.3 Coding Systems in Lisp

Here are the Lisp facilities for working with coding systems:

Function: coding-system-list &optional base-only

This function returns a list of all coding system names (symbols). If base-only is non-nil, the value includes only the base coding systems. Otherwise, it includes alias and variant coding systems as well.

Function: coding-system-p object

This function returns t if object is a coding system name or nil.

Function: check-coding-system coding-system

This function checks the validity of coding-system. If that is valid, it returns coding-system. Otherwise it signals an error with condition coding-system-error.

Function: coding-system-eol-type coding-system

This function returns the type of end-of-line (a.k.a. eol) conversion used by coding-system. If coding-system specifies a certain eol conversion, the return value is an integer 0, 1, or 2, standing for unix, dos, and mac, respectively. If coding-system doesn't specify eol conversion explicitly, the return value is a vector of coding systems, each one with one of the possible eol conversion types, like this:

(coding-system-eol-type 'latin-1)
     ⇒ [latin-1-unix latin-1-dos latin-1-mac]

If this function returns a vector, Emacs will decide, as part of the text encoding or decoding process, what eol conversion to use. For decoding, the end-of-line format of the text is auto-detected, and the eol conversion is set to match it (e.g., DOS-style CRLF format will imply dos eol conversion). For encoding, the eol conversion is taken from the appropriate default coding system (e.g., default-buffer-file-coding-system for buffer-file-coding-system), or from the default eol conversion appropriate for the underlying platform.

Function: coding-system-change-eol-conversion coding-system eol-type

This function returns a coding system which is like coding-system except for its eol conversion, which is specified by eol-type. eol-type should be unix, dos, mac, or nil. If it is nil, the returned coding system determines the end-of-line conversion from the data.

eol-type may also be 0, 1 or 2, standing for unix, dos and mac, respectively.

Function: coding-system-change-text-conversion eol-coding text-coding

This function returns a coding system which uses the end-of-line conversion of eol-coding, and the text conversion of text-coding. If text-coding is nil, it returns undecided, or one of its variants according to eol-coding.

Function: find-coding-systems-region from to

This function returns a list of coding systems that could be used to encode a text between from and to. All coding systems in the list can safely encode any multibyte characters in that portion of the text.

If the text contains no multibyte characters, the function returns the list (undecided).

Function: find-coding-systems-string string

This function returns a list of coding systems that could be used to encode the text of string. All coding systems in the list can safely encode any multibyte characters in string. If the text contains no multibyte characters, this returns the list (undecided).

Function: find-coding-systems-for-charsets charsets

This function returns a list of coding systems that could be used to encode all the character sets in the list charsets.

Function: detect-coding-region start end &optional highest

This function chooses a plausible coding system for decoding the text from start to end. This text should be a byte sequence (voir la section Explicit Encoding and Decoding).

Normally this function returns a list of coding systems that could handle decoding the text that was scanned. They are listed in order of decreasing priority. But if highest is non-nil, then the return value is just one coding system, the one that is highest in priority.

If the region contains only ASCII characters except for such ISO-2022 control characters ISO-2022 as ESC, the value is undecided or (undecided), or a variant specifying end-of-line conversion, if that can be deduced from the text.

Function: detect-coding-string string &optional highest

This function is like detect-coding-region except that it operates on the contents of string instead of bytes in the buffer.

Voir Process Information, in particular the description of the functions process-coding-system and set-process-coding-system, for how to examine or set the coding systems used for I/O to a subprocess.

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Ce document a été généré par Eric Reinbold le 13 Octobre 2007 en utilisant texi2html 1.78.