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38.16.5 PostScript Images

To use PostScript for an image, specify image type postscript. This works only if you have Ghostscript installed. You must always use these three properties:

:pt-width width

The value, width, specifies the width of the image measured in points (1/72 inch). width must be an integer.

:pt-height height

The value, height, specifies the height of the image in points (1/72 inch). height must be an integer.

:bounding-box box

The value, box, must be a list or vector of four integers, which specifying the bounding box of the PostScript image, analogous to the ‘BoundingBox’ comment found in PostScript files.

%%BoundingBox: 22 171 567 738

Displaying PostScript images from Lisp data is not currently implemented, but it may be implemented by the time you read this. See the ‘etc/NEWS’ file to make sure.

Ce document a été généré par Eric Reinbold le 13 Octobre 2007 en utilisant texi2html 1.78.