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16.6 Compiler Errors

Byte compilation outputs all errors and warnings into the buffer ‘*Compile-Log*’. The messages include file names and line numbers that identify the location of the problem. The usual Emacs commands for operating on compiler diagnostics work properly on these messages.

However, the warnings about functions that were used but not defined are always “located” at the end of the file, so these commands won't find the places they are really used. To do that, you must search for the function names.

You can suppress the compiler warning for calling an undefined function func by conditionalizing the function call on an fboundp test, like this:

(if (fboundp 'func) ...(func ...)...)

The call to func must be in the then-form of the if, and func must appear quoted in the call to fboundp. (This feature operates for cond as well.)

Likewise, you can suppress a compiler warning for an unbound variable variable by conditionalizing its use on a boundp test, like this:

(if (boundp 'variable) ...variable...)

The reference to variable must be in the then-form of the if, and variable must appear quoted in the call to boundp.

You can suppress any compiler warnings using the construct with-no-warnings:

Special Form: with-no-warnings body…

In execution, this is equivalent to (progn body...), but the compiler does not issue warnings for anything that occurs inside body.

We recommend that you use this construct around the smallest possible piece of code.

Ce document a été généré par Eric Reinbold le 13 Octobre 2007 en utilisant texi2html 1.78.